Terms of Use

By joining this site and accessing the content, you agree that you are:

At least 18 years of age (or age of majority in your country/region if it exceeds 18).

Of sounds mind when submitting content.

Will only submit your own content, that which is public domain or legally free to use, or you have been given permission to use on behalf of another (model, photographer…)

You agree not to post content of any individual under the age of 18 (or age of majority in your country/region if it exceeds 18).

You agree not to copy or steal any photos, videos or artwork on this site or attempt to sell them for a profit.

You will keep within the values of our site as outlined in the Artistic Nudity section of the About Us page.

You will not harass other users.

You will not spam the forums, post media that is lager than 500 MB each.

You will hold harmless any and all ownership and affiliated individuals of of this site from any damages of any kind that may occur from using the site.

By joining you agree to all these terms.